Montag, 9. November 2009

Muang Ngoi Neua - Laos

Muang Ngoi Neua is a very nice and small but quite touristy village about five hours north of Luang Prabang (although it took us the whole day to get there, because the boat broke down) and people go there again for trekking and kajaking. The landscape is amazing! We stayed only two nights and did a one-day trek to some of the surrounding villages, which was actually very nice...I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have, because for the first time my digestion was giving me a hard time, and I wasn't feeling very well (-; Anyway, it was certainly worth going!

daily procedure in the villages: taking a bath in the river and washing clothes.

View from our bungalow

Freitag, 6. November 2009

Trekking around Luang Prabang - Laos

I try to switch to english from now on, because I guess it makes it easier for the people who are not too much into german (-;

This four day trek was around Luang Prabang and we stayed in a few different villages, which was really great! We had a fantastic time! I didn't get a chance to upload more pictures, because the connection is again increadibly slow and I can't even write a little more, because my minibus to the airport is leaving in a couple of minutes (I didn't really write this on nov 6th)...I hope, I get a chance in India! Otherwise you have to wait till I get back (-;

Our two guides Waa and Tom Patty at lunch

Tom Patty, Joy and Waa collecting our dinner

The first village we stayed in

the girls playing (aren't they cute?!)

and the pigs being a little nosy

Waa (by the way the best cook ever) preparing our dinner

Joy surrounded by the kids. We had a great evening in that village with all the kids: playing games, singing and dancing!

Fishing on the last evening: quite a lot of fun, but not very successful in the end!

The last day trekking: Waa

Montag, 2. November 2009

Luang Prabang - Laos

Seit fast zwei Wochen bin ich jetzt in dem Weltkulturerbestaedtchen Luang Prabang und das ist wirklich einer der schoensten Orte, die ich bisher gesehen habe! Man kann Tage damit verbringen, nur durch die Strassen zu laufen und in den netten Cafes zu sitzen und die Leute zu beobachten! Ansonsten gibt es Wasserfaelle in der Umgebung, die unbeschreiblich schoen sind und ein grosses Badevergnuegen bieten, unzaehlige Tempel und Kochkurse (wir haben uns allerdings mit einem zufrieden gegeben)...

Luang Prabang

Mekong river

One of the many temples in Luang Prabang...

...and one of the many monks

Nightmarket in Luang Prabang

Sunset at the Mekong river

Pak Ou Cave

Joy and Alli swimming at the waterfall

Cooking classes